Brian assisted St. Joseph County in assessing emergency assistance needs and the effectiveness of their service delivery systems. As a result of this assessment, agencies in the collaboration are participating in an electronic network that combines individual case management with a common intake and demographic tracking system for clients.
The IDEA Club stands for I Do Every Assignment. Brian conducted a needs assessment and helped Jefferson County in creating this successful collaboration to assist at-risk students in the sixth grade.
Project SOAR stands for Students Obtaining Academic Results. After reviewing results of Brian's needs assessment, Miami County decided to model their program after the IDEA Club in Jefferson County.
After reviewing Brian's county-wide needs assessment, the the LaGrange steering committee decided that the lack of structured after-school activities for youth was clearly the highest priority issue. After reviewing many options, the committee also decided to adapt the IDEA Club project for its collaboration.
Brian conducted primary and secondary research to investigate the status of early childhood literacy in Vigo County. The Literacy Project that resulted will prepare children in early childhood with the readiness skills to become successful readers through direct assistance to families and child care providers and through public education and advocacy.
Brian conducted a comprehensive needs assessment of human services for the United Fund of Dearborn and Ohio Counties. This assessment included statistical and demographic research, key informant interviews, focus groups, and a statistically valid telephone survey of 300 community residents with a margin of error of +/-5.5%.
The Tulip Trace Council of the Girl Scouts of America made a commitment to address more effectively the emotional and intellectual needs of girls in rural areas. The council’s goal was to improve the “readiness to learn” of participating girls and to heighten their career aspirations. Toward this end, Brian conducted a systematic study to determine the scope and nature of their needs followed by a planning effort to develop strategies that provide effective interventions.